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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১৩ জুলাই ২০২১

মেরিটাইম বাংলাদেশ জনক

Maritime Scenario after Liberation

After liberation in 1971, the shipping sector’s scenario was miserable. The occupation Pakistani Army took away all the merchant ships and left Chittagong Port with hidden mines all around under the water. Destroyed naval/merchant ships were submerged in the Karnaphuly channel; as a result, the foreign ships were not willing to call here and insurance companies imposed increased premium on ships calling Chittagong Port. Upon return to new country Bangladesh on 10th January 1972 (from the imprisonment in Pakistan), the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman took all possible efforts to build and organised the country in all sectors including shipping; despite all out national & international resistances against the war-bashed just-born Bangladesh, successes were tremendous during his very short period of 1972-75 (before been assassinated in 1975).


March of Maritime Bangladesh 

Bangabandhu managed to resume functioning of Marine Academy and Seamen’s Training Centre immediately. He established the ‘Bangladesh shipping Corporation’ on 5th February 1972. He also managed to procure 19 ocean-going ships at almost free of cost from various friendly countries by 1975; later, by 1983, more 13 ships including 4 brand new ships from Japan (ref: his renowned Japan trip in 1974) were added to the BSC fleet out of his initiatives. Despite hard competition in the then shipping world, the new-born BSC made distinct profit throughout 70’s. Upon his request, a group of Russian maritime experts came to Bangladesh and cleared off the hidden/floating mines and submerged hazards from the Karnaphuly channel in 1972. Before return, at Bangabandhu’s initiative and request, they established Marine Fisheries Academy in 1973 in Chittagong. Bangabandhu commenced the long pending work of the construction of the Chittagong Dry Dock & Heavy Industries (commissioned in 1983). Smaller ship-construction (upto 1,000 DWT) commenced in Khulna Shipyard in 1972. Oil and gas exploration in the Bay of Bengal was commenced in 1973. Informatively, besides being the Prime Minister, additionally he was also the Shipping Minister for a period of 8 July 1974 – 26 Jan 1975.


Back the Sailors, Build the Nation!

However due to obvious shortage of seafaring personnel, all the BSC ships used to be mainly manned by foreigners. Shortage of shore-experts in maritime administration, shipping companies, ports and in training centres was more than that at sea. Right after liberation, different foreign countries specially UK (British Technical Aid) and UNDP Funding came forward to train our seafarers. At this stage the newly formed ‘Bangladesh Merchant Marine Officers’ Association’ raised a slogan – Back the Sailors, Build the Nation!


Establishment of ‘Bangladesh Marine Academy’ in 1972 

The Academy was founded initially as Mercantile Marine Academy in 1962 by the then Government of Pakistan over 60 acres land upon the valleys of Juldia Point at the south bank of the river Karnaphuly where it meets the Bay of Bengal. During the liberation war of 1971, the Pakistan Government shifted the Academy at Haji Camp, Karachi abandoning this establishment. The then Commandant ‘Commodore S K Anwar PN’ along with his associates left for Pakistan on 13 November 1971 keeping the ‘Office of the Commandant i.e. this Academy’ abandoned.

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, upon his return to newborn Bangladesh on 10 January 1972, placed the first-stone for new ‘Bangladesh Marine Academy’ by appointing Merchant Marine Captain M L Rahman MM as the First Bangalee Commandant.

In 1973, the Father of the Nation and the Father of Maritime Bangladesh founded the Academy as ‘Bangladesh Marine Academy’ with the British Technical Cooperation (BTC). He also took a project titled ‘Development of Bangladesh Marine Academy 1973’ under BTC that had been successfully completed in 1980. The Academy had been developed to a remarkable extent with various new physical & academic infrastructures with addition of 40 acres of land resulting total area to 100 acres. The various improvised and updated infrastructures that we notice today are the direct output of that ingenious, far-sighted initiative of Bangabandhu; in fact, the advancement and progression of today’s academy which is perfecting day by day is nothing but the sequel of his visionary step. Such evolvement and up-growth raised the Academy for being selected as one of the 14 branches of the IMO-UN’s World Maritime University (Sweden) in 1990 (the Branch status has been upgraded to Partnering Relation in May 2019) and Bangladesh could earn the coveted position in the IMO-UN White List in 2000.

‘Bangladesh Marine Academy’ commenced its journey by the hand of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Thus since our independence, Bangladesh has been being blessed with a number of highly-skilled Seafarers and Maritime Experts from this Academy – over 4,700 till 2019.

Therefore, the Father of the Nation and the Father of Maritime Bangladesh ‘Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’ was the FOUNDER of Bangladesh Marine Academy indeed!

Father of Maritime Bangladesh – Click for Brochure